Thursday 15 October 2009

Primary Research: Questionaire Results

After collaborating all the results we produced graphs and analysed them. We also recorded audio, video and written answers.

What age Category do you fall under?

The main age category that we found would be more interested in the subject of shoes were 16-35 year olds, this is going to the overall target audience of the documentary.

What is your gender?

The majority of our participants were female. This is going to make our data slightly bias towards them. Although the majority of women were more willing to complete the questionnaire, the documentary is going to appeal to both genders.

What is your occupation?

A high percentage of our participants’ occupation was students. Therefore we are going to focus open problems young people may face when affording the cost and wearing heels on a night out etc.

What style of music do you prefer?

By looking at these results it has helped us decide on the style of music that would feature in our documentary. The most popular style was pop music. We have now decided we are going to use a pop non diegetic opening song in our title sequence. Also we are going to use the pop theme throughout

What is your favourite TV Channel?

This question is helped us to decide on what channel we would schedule our documentary on. The most popular channel is Channel 4. We have decided to full fill are audiences wishes and use this as it is suited to our genre.

What is your favourite colour?
The results that we got from this question will help us as we now have a colour scheme to follow when adding different graphics .on our documentary. So our colour scheme is going to be blue and purple.

How often do you watch documentaries?

The question was to find out if our target audience enjoyed documentaries or even watched them at all. As we can see from the results most of the people answered ‘sometimes’ showing us that if a documentary caught their eye they would watch it.

When would you most likely watch a documentary on TV?

To help us deciding our scheduling time we decided to ask this question. It helps us understand our viewers watching TV patterns. As the main result is between 9 and 10 we have decided ours will begin at 9pm.

"I am most likely to watch a documentary after i have finished work and had my tea so about 8 onwards" Mollie-Anne Jones

Would you prefer a female or male voice over?

The results lean more towards female voiceover that is because the answers are bias but as of the subject we feel it would be appropriate to have a female voice as most of the audience that would watch the documentary would be female.

Would you like expert interviews included?

We were unsure as weather to add expert interviews as we weren’t intirely sure if they were essential to anchoring in the audience. The results of this question have helped us on our decision. As the results give us no clear answer we are going to add them when appropriate for example when talking about MBT’S.

What shoe size are you?
The results that we got for this question we averaged out into men and women and we did a range between different sizes for men we got that most men have size 9 to 11 shoes and for women we have size 5 to 7 shoes this was only based on our questionnaire. In are documentary we are going to have interviews with people that find it hard to get shoes in different sizes so by finding out this average when then have facts to compare back to.

Where do you shop for the majority of your shoes?

This question shows us the most popular shoe shops that can feature within are documentary.

Do you know the history of the shoe?

Not everyone knows the full history of shoes but people know some aspects to it, these gives our documentary a change to inform them, and as most people are unaware it gives them a reason to watch our documentary.

In your opinion what is the most popular style of shoe?

As the majority of the questionnaires were filled out by females this means that this answer would be slightly bias this is why stilettos are the most popular style or shoe. The next popular answers are trainers and flats these results tell us what style of shoes are popular and what people would be interested in finding out about.

What word do you associate with shoes?
This question was to help us understand what our audience thought about shoes, and what they would associate with them, it has also helped us come up with the title of the documentary as we have picked some of the words that people associate with shoes to create a title as they audience would associate the title with shoes. The title is going to be ‘comfy, funky and essential’.

How many pairs of shoes/ boots do you own?
This question is to add some information into our documentary about how people can become obsessed with shoes and the results that we got back from our questionnaire were as follows most people have between 21-40 different pairs of shoes.

How much are you willing on spending on a pair of shoes?
There were many different answers for the different price ranges that different people were willing to spend. The price ranged from £25 all the way up to £150 this shows the different price range people of willing to buy on shoes. This is some background information that can be used in the documentary about how much people are willing to spend.

How important are shoes to you?
People answered this question as important as they need shoes so they don’t hurt there feet, but other people answered with more detail as they have problems with there feet and ankles that they have to wear special forms of shoes or insoles. Also a lot of the young people that answered the questionnaire answered with it being a key point to there outfits.

Have you heard of the following shoes?

Not everyone that filled in the questionnaire knows what these shoes were and what they do. This has helped us decide what we will add into our documentary as many people our unaware are those special types of shoes our documentary gives them the change to find out about them. We are going to mainly focus upon MBT's as this is the weaker area.

Interview Preparation

Interviews are essential to the planning and production of a Documentary, the interviews tie everything together. Because of this we made sure all interviews were thoroughly planned before hand. Unfortunately two of our interviewees: Jessica Gibbons and New Look were unable to participate. Therefore we had to create new questions in a limited time for; Sadie Harding Jones and Lisa Kenny. As you can see their questions are less detailed and precise. All questions we planned our below.

Mr Swindell
-How did you hear about MBT's?
-Why did you buy MBT’s?
-Where did you buy them?
-From the health benefits such as good posture, have you noticed a difference?
-How many pairs of MBT’s do you own?
-Why do you prefer MT’s over other shoes?
-How much do you spend on MBT’s?
-Would you spend more on other types of shoes?
-How much on average do you spend on other types of shoes a year?
-Would you consider wearing other types of shoes such as ‘fit flops’?
-Do you wear them everyday?
-Did you get a DVD with your MBT’s, if so how did it help you?

-Most High Street Shoe shops only sell basic sizes such as 6 what persuaded Clarks as a company to start the wide foot range?
-I believe each letter for broadness has a different sizing could you roughly explain these?
-It is a known fact that 70% of foot related health problems come from wearing the wrong size shoes; do you find having such a precise sizing range is popular with the customers?
-Do your wide ranges vary much in price?
-Why is that they vary?
-After researching I discovered the most popular size for broadness for women is D and for men G, does this show in your sales?
-Men are associated as not a lover of shoes but after gathering information for my documentary I have realised that this is not true and they love shoes as much as women, who would you say are your most popular customers, female or male?
-You don’t just stock adult ranges you also stock children’s range, and from experience Clarks is their first shoe shop I I got my first shoes as a child from Clarke’s and I remember getting my own little picture, does this encourage more sales of children shoes or is it equal?
-I think I have big feet as I am a size 8 and sometimes they don’t fit so I have to try and buy a 9 but a lot of places don’t stock them, do you have sizes for larger feet?
-My own personal research has concluded that the average size for women is 5do you agree with this?
-And for men 9 do you agree with this?
-I am led to believe you offer a foot health service, why do you find it essential to provide extra care?
-Another of our interviews said she probably owns a variety of shoes sized 5-7 I found this rather shocking, before getting measured correctly do many of your new or old customers wear incorrect size shoes?
-Do you find every new pair of shoes bought you should get re measured or do you take a certain time period between measurements?

Jessica Gibbons
-I believe once you have wide feet you always had wide feet, so were it easy to locate wide ranges in shoe shops or as you grew older were it more difficult?
-Wide ranges in high street shops have only just started coming into place especially in younger aimed shops, new look is one of the best for wide range for teens were as Marks n Spencer's wide range is good for the older audience, do you find it difficult to buy particular styles in the wide ranges on offer?
-Are wide range shoes more expensive then standard range?
-What are your opinions on this as a buyer?
-Wide ranges are there to add comfort to the feet as they have a better fit however if you fell in love with a pair of shoes that as standard fit would you compromise comfort for style?
-How many shops do wide range that you shop in?
-What style of shoes is most common within a wide range?
-How many pairs of shoes do you own?
-And of which are part of a wide range?
-Do you find it a nuisance when buying shoes for special occasions?

New Look
-You stock numerous styles including sandals, pumps and stilettos, which style would you say is your biggest seller?
-Why do you thing this is?
-Does it vary depending on seasons?
-Your wide range seems to be really popular, what persuaded new look as a store to start the range?
-How long has the wide range been around?
-Do you think the increase is government awareness over obesity has influenced you wide range sales?
-How many styles are duplicated in the wide range?
-Is their styles unique to just the wide range?
-You stock shoes made from different material what are the advantages of selling shoes from different material?

Sadie Harding
-What is your favourite style of shoe? Why?
-Where do you buy the majority of your shoes from? Why?
-What do you tend to look for in a shoe? Why?
-What is your favourite shoe shop? Why?
-How much would you spend on a pair of shoes?
-What shoes do you think is in the trend, at the moment? Why?
-What shoes do you wear most often? Why?
-Do you have work shoes?
-Why do you wear them certain ones for work?
-What do you think about shoes in general?

Scanned Images below of our intended mise en scene for each interview:

Interview Sheet 1

Interview Sheet 2

Interview Sheet 3

Below is a selection of phone calls we had to make to plan our interviews.

Running Order

Running Order
Documentary: comfy funky and essential
Channel: Channel 4
Scheduling: Monday 9pm-9.30pm
Duration: 27 minutes (including advert break)

Tuesday 13 October 2009

Secondary Research: Heels That Heal (Charity)

Looking at fabulous magazine, a charity is currently in place to raise money for the charity "wellbeing of women". we discovered after reading the special edition dedicated to the appeal that celebrities are wearing heels in a bid to raise money. We found this could be relevant to our documentary as it is current and can interest our planned target audience. Celebrities such as Amanda Holden, Fearne Cotton, Dame Kelly Holmes and also males such as Peter Andre, Vernon Kay and Andrew Castle.

Primary Research: Codes and Conventions

Click on images to see on a larger sclae

Primary Research: Documentries Watched

Click on images to see in a larger scale

Underage and Pregnant


Daredevils: The Human Bird

Channel 4

The devil made me do it

Type of Documentary:
It is a mix of compilation film, Dramadoc and Expository

-Marilyn Manson is playing the devil
-Power of the media
-Religion: satan (religious iconography)

Narrative Structure:
-Puppet Master
-Reconstruction (History)
-Prop’s Theory (NUN vs. Marilyn Manson)

Camera Work:-Close up’s of religious images
-Talking heads
-Birds eye view of town (sense of location)
-Point of View of Police
-Follow Marilyn Manson behind: sense of following his life
-Close up of hand: reinforces nun keeping praying
-Low angle of Marilyn Manson: power
-Tracking shot: hand held/blurry: authenticity
-Long takes: indirect address: follow people

Mise-en-scene-Working Office talking head: direct audience
-Authority: Uniform and Office of Police
-Darkness implies Event
-Teenagers laid back smoking and drinking
-Teachers sitting straight up: direct audience
-Rain: depressing subject
-Light at the end of the tunnel: parallel to speech
-Town: Narrow streets (claustrophobic)
-Birds eye view: close knit community

-Non diegetic voice over
-English Overlay (over the Italian language)
-Heart beat: no diegetic
-Cut then fade in/out sounds
-Voiceover: leads through events (anchors you in)
-Music in tunnel: religious: reinforcement of her cracking
-Unplugged song at the end

-Jump between archive and sound
-Names and change of pictures
-Close lift doors: end of part one
-Cutaway shots to location
-Juxtaposed: concert and fan
-Cut a way’s in time of sounds

Archive Material:
-Religious images: Cemetery
-Video’s, Concerts: Marilyn Manson (first hand experience)
-Dress conference
-Faces of saints
-Empty Court: Reconstruction

Graphics:-The devil mad me do it: title used graphics DARK
-Reconstruction picture: Computer screen

Marketing Movies

Type of Documentary:



Camera Work:
-External Shots: going pictures, red carpet
-Pans down slowly ‘Titanic’ Interview over
-Analyses parts of the poster and goes with speech ‘Tagline

-Mermaid in back: Talking heads are authoritative: close up

-Opening music: Speech: Pictures; Fast merchandise
-Animated title between speech each section
-Dissolve into next pictures
-Connects pictures and sound in time together

Archive Material:
-Wall poster: zooms out
-Footage from the film

-Marketing Movies title
-Months and Money signs
-Low zooms into copy
-Text at bottom to introduce new people

That Thing: Lora Croft

Narrative Structure:
-End with comment from director

Camera Work:

-Close up: action genre (Talking head)
-Fish eye lens: create gaming effect which suites target audience
-Speeded up shots in gaming café
-Create the effect of computer game

-Footage in the background from the game

-Voice of god
-Interviews (diegetic)
-Music of game in the background
-Gun shooting
-Characters voice from the game
- Archive Sound
-Layers of sound: codes and conventions


-Someone interviewed been put in camera screen
-Screen over Lora’s face
-Short sharp cuts
-Duration/Speed Faster

Archive Material:
-Video games
-Barbie Adverts
-Internet footage: Fan Sites

-Name and Job Title

The music biz: Marketing Meatloaf

Type of Documentary:
-Expository: anchors imagery
-Interactive (seeing camera)

-Music industry
-Music awards
-Meatloaf as specific examples
-Re-brand of meatloaf

Narrative Structure:
-Voice of god
-Music business: Grammy’s and Brit awards
-‘Meat staggers obediently’: message behind the film
-Two strand story: Meatloaf and YMCA
-Beauty and the beast fairytale: music video being created

Camera work:
-Low angle: establishing shot of NY then pans down
-External shot of original building
-Point of View: we have been invited to follow backstage e.g. press pass going through door
-Swop sides of talking head: doesn’t confuse the audience
-Talking head look off to camera
-Establishing shot to headquarters: new location
-Mid shot to close up: connection made
-hand held; really watching it: people conference
-External shots of betting house and then close up of betting screen
-talking heads don’t talk to the camera

-Energy: close up: busy people
-Studio: subject of music which anchors role
-Sunglasses: rock and roll star
-Album covers as backgrounds
-William Hill/ betting screen


-Voice of god MALE: leads through events
-Crowds cheering: diegetic
-Camera clicking and flashing
-Meatloaf songs
-Heart beat: dramatic
-Actual songs

-Talking head in front of footage
-Cut away shots during interviews
-Fade in and out of screen
-Interview/ Cut-image/ Interview
-Continuity editing: flows
-Parallel editing
-Slow motion tracking shot of fans
-Behind scenes and actual footage: same framing but swops between
-Juxtaposition of image and sound

Archive Material:
-Music events footage
-Inside look at event: feels like backstage view
-No unique footage until the end
-Exclusive interview
-Iconic images: microphones, equipment: reinforces the music genre
-TV programme: codes and conventions
-Past Meatloaf footage
-Music video footage of Meatloaf and YMCA
-Computer screens
-Making of video documentary
-Other TV programmes they performed in

-Magazine with moving image
-Brit Awards 1994
-Filmed sheets of info and music
-Quotes across screen

Primary Research: Scheduling

Click on images to see them bigger

Primary Reseach: Interview Planning

Primary Research

Interviewer Topic Location Mise en scene Camera Shot
Mr Swindell MBT’s Interview Room Collaboration of shoe photographs Close Up
Schuh Worker Irregular styles In the shop Shoe stands Medium close up
Lisa Kenny Large Feet In Topshop Were is appropriate on the day Medium close up
Jess Gibbions Broad Feet New look Wide section Medium close up
Abi Smith Small Feet Market Shoe stall Close up
Clarks Worker Quality footwear Clarks Clarks Medium close up
Aldo Worker Price differences Aldo Checkout desk Medium close up
Primark Worker Cheap shoes Primark Escalators Close up
Boots Fit Flops Boots Checkout desk Medium close up

What do you think of when people say footwear (shoes)?
We will ask over 50 people for a short answer and collaborate the best ones in the 5 minute sequence.

Questionnaire Results
We will produce a primary research questionnaire and use this information as the voice of god or statistics on the screen.


We will email Kickers and Nike

Formal Proposal


The topic of our documentary is Shoes.

Type of Documentary
The type of documentary is a mix of compilation film and talking heads.

Style of Documentary
We shall be using a mix of documentary genres. However the main genre will be expository. We will be using key features of the genre so the audience is anchored in, we will use a voice of god and use images that explicitly show the texts meaning.

Channel and Scheduling
Channel 4

Target Audience
Are target audience will have a primary audience of women aged between 18 and 30. However a secondary audience of men and older females will enjoy the documentary.

Primary Research Needed

Secondary Research Needed
Countries and shoes
History of the shoe
Clarks, Schuh, Primark , Aldo, Kickers, Nike history and background.

Narrative Structure
It will have a linear structure- it shall start at the first shoe with a brief history developing into the new technology shoes such as Fit Flops.

Outline of Content
Interviews with: Shoppers, Mr. Swindell, Mobility Shoe shop owner, big feeted girls/boys, Small footed girls/boys, Broad footed girls/boys, Shop managers

Specialist Shoes: Mobility shoes, MBT’s, Fit Flops

Archive footage: films, Trinny and Suzanne, little boots.

History of shoes

A variety of styles of shoes covered

Health issues- bunions, and Flit Flops

Obsessives with shoes

Resource Requirements
Audio Recorder
Archive Material
Video camera
Still camera

Monday 12 October 2009

Research:Theories and Concepts

●Documentaries focus on events and actual people
●Documentaries allow the viewer to form an opinion on whom or what we are viewing.
●Documentaries produce on average an hour film presenting us with factual information about the subject.

There are 3 different types of documentaries; Compilation film, Talking Heads and Direct cinema.

Compilation Film- The documentary is made up of a selection of archive images such as news footage and photographs.
Talking Heads- This is also known as interview. This is were interviews take place either formally or informally depending on the documentary style, they are asked about people events and social movements.
Direct Cinema- The documentary will have been recorded as it happens with little/none interference from the crew.

Documentaries usually use a narrative form. They can use several techniques; voice over, interviews, observations, existing footage and existing music. However modern documentaries use fewer techniques as they want them to appear observational as this makes the viewer feel voyeur as a viewer.

To anchor the audience in, documentary makers use parallelism to allow the audience to create parallels between characters, settings and situations.

The codes and conventions to a documentary are closely stuck to however you can use different aspects to create and interesting mind proving documentary. A huge percentage of documentaries used non-character narration otherwise referred to as ‘voice of god’ this is were you cannot see who is speaking. They can use a narrator, and he/she is visible throughout. Using a narrator enables the viewer to understand the plot information at ease. Voices we are familiar with are often used as this encourages us to trust the information we are being presented with.

Lighting in documentaries is usually very natural as they want to create realism as this makes the viewer believe in the validity of the information being given

Hand held camera is the most common technique used in documentaries as this creates the effect of the viewer being personally involved and following the story on a personal level.

Four main editing techniques are used; fade out, fade in, dissolve and wipe. Editing is an essential for all documentaries as it can create an interruption of an event in a simpler form.

Fade Out- This is when an image gradually fades into black.
Fade In- This is were an image gradually fades into white.
Dissolve- This is when two shots overlap each other. They are superimposed from one to the next.
Wipe- This is were a shot is replaced by another shot using a line which moves across the screen.

There are two types of sound; diegetic and non diegetic. Documentaries used a lot of non diegetic sound as this encourages the audience to respond in a certain manner.

Diegetic- This is when the sound comes from the source in the documentary
Non Diegetic- This is when a sound has been added in the editing process. E.g. music

There are 7 different Genre’s of Documentaries; Expository, Observational, Docusoaps, Reality TV, Interactive, Drama-Documentary and Current Affairs.

Expository- The main asset to an expository documentary is the feature of the ‘voice of god’ narration which address the viewer personally. These styles of documentaries are based upon a problem needing to be solved.

Observational- These can also be known as ‘fly on the wall’. The idea is to create dramatic tension/excitement by the viewer feeling that they are there, they create this effect by avoiding voice over’s or narration and the camera being unobtrusive. They also use techniques such as; indirect address, diegetic sound and long takes to show that the documentary hasn’t been edited and you are watching truthful footage. Observational documentaries focus on one person or a family/group.

Docusoaps- Docusoaps are similar to observational as they using the same theme’s however Docusoaps are a series like a soap opera and the follow people on a daily or weekly scheduling.

Reality TV- Reality TV is a mix of ‘raw’ and ‘authentic’ archive. Reality TV is created by a mix of; observational work, eye witness testimonies, studio links and presenter commentaries.

Interactive- This genre of documentary is not as widely used today. It let’s the viewer know that the camera’s and crew are there. They create the idea for the viewer that the information is valid and reliable however this is not always true as they ask loaded questions to specific people.

Drama-documentary- The main asset to this genre is the reconstruction and re-enactments of past events. Drama-documentary is often biased towards the subject being identified. To create impact in reconstructions they use slow motion and specific music.
Docudrama- a fictional story that uses documentary style techniques to reinforce realism.
Dramadoc- a documentary reconstruction of actual events.

Current Affairs- These aim to go into greater depth of news and politics then standard news. These either argue a case or prove it wrong. An example of this style is News Night. Factual accuracy is a priority for this genre.

When creating documentaries you can come across a lot of dilemmas. It is rare for footage to be broad casted unedited as editing can change the meaning of the footage in either a negative or positive way. BBC and ITV guidelines affect the final edit of any genre of documentary.

Thursday 8 October 2009

Secondary Research: History

This can be used in the voice over script

History into Aldo

"Successful companies build on their founding traditions while looking ahead to the future - and that is what we have done at ALDO," states Aldo Bensadoun, founder & CEO of the ALDO Group, a privately-held company which operates close to 1,400 retail stores, over 700 of which are under the ALDO banner. The ALDO Group is present in Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Ireland as well as in 41 franchised countries by the end of 2009.

We never lose sight of our vision: to make people feel good, through the products and the service we provide everyday. We are dedicated to providing Total Customer Service.

ALDO specializes in the creation of high-quality fashion footwear, leather goods and accessories. This sought-after brand pays close attention to detail and to fine craftsmanship. ALDO is dedicated to bringing you both quality and cutting-edge trends at affordable prices, season after season. What's more, ALDO's dedicated team of buyers and stylists constantly travel the globe to keep you on the pulse of fashion. Whether the latest footwear trends are breaking in London, Milan, Paris, New York or Tokyo, ALDO will have them on your feet first!

ALDO places a premium on being a good corporate citizen by working to enrich the communities in which we live and work. It's not uncommon for ALDO or its employees to participate in fundraisers or to volunteer their time to community causes. ALDO is a brand with a conscience, a brand that cares. We actively support the fight against AIDS. Giving back to our communities is a necessary and fundamental part of the work we do everyday.

Dans La Rue
Once again, during the holiday season, the ALDO Group prepared 500 backpacks, which were distributed to DANS LA RUE, an organization that helps youth living on the streets of Montreal.

Over 18,000 items, including backpacks, treats, snacks, personal hygiene products and warm accessories were collected or purchased for the cause!

60 volunteers from all of the ALDO Group's divisions generously donated their time to help out with the packaging of these items, which went directly to street kids.

Since its creation in 1988, DANS LA RUE is a safe place for these kids to go and a place for them to grow. They can find resources that have been tailored to their individual circumstances. But above all, they can draw on an unending source of respect, friendship and encouragement.

ALDO fights AIDS
ALDO has been involved with the fight against AIDS since 1985, a time when the cause carried with it an unfortunate stigma. Over the years, ALDO has committed millions of dollars to AIDS awareness and research organizations, including CanfAR, AmfAR and YouthAIDS.

In Fall 2005 and Summer 2006 ALDO took a stand with the launch of the ALDO Fights AIDS campaign, an effort that demonstrates an ongoing commitment to this important cause. Amongst the diverse and talented group of celebrities from both the big-screen and music industry elite who donated their time and energy to the campaign are some of today's most influential celebrities: Ludacris, Charlize Theron, Michelle Yeoh, Pink, Avril Lavigne, Christina Aguilera, and the list goes on! The campaign used a powerful combination of top celebrities and multiple media genres to communicate real facts associated with the disease.

As part of the campaign, ALDO designed a series of limited-edition empowerment tags that were sold in-stores and online at With 100% of net proceeds benefiting YouthAIDS programs worldwide, the simple act of buying one empowerment tag for only $5 helps to educate and protect a young person from HIV/AIDS for 6 months.


History into clarks

It began with a flash of inspiration. It was 1825 in the Somerset village of Street and James Clark was busy working at the tannery owned by his brother, Cyrus. Among the sheepskin rugs, the off-cuts and cast-offs were piling up when James had a brainwave: “Slippers!”. And the rest, as they say, is history. A few stitches and a few years later, the sheepskin slipper was born.
It was the very first Clarks shoe and the opening chapter in a remarkable story that continues to unfold to this day. In the decades that have passed since the young Mr. Clark’s eureka moment our shoes have seen social, political and economic revolution. They’ve seen fashions in footwear come and go, and come again – everything from court shoes and winklepickers to wedge heels, sandals and sneakers. They’ve tapped to the beat of crooners, rockers, Britpoppers and hip hoppers. They’ve walked, marched, strode and sashayed through an ever-changing world.
Our feet, meanwhile, have stayed firmly rooted in Street. It’s where Clarks started. It’s where our heart lies. And still, as always, we put that heart into every pair of our shoes to create stylish footwear that protects and cares for our customers’ feet.
Britain was perhaps at its greatest in the 1800s. Queen Victoria was on the throne from 1837 to just beyond the end of the century and reigned over a time of phenomenal economic, colonial and industrial growth. And while Charles Dickens gripped the nation with his storytelling skills, engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel got it moving via his remarkable tunnels, bridges, railway lines and steam ships.
For Cyrus and James Clark business was booming. Their sheepskin slipper, named the ‘Brown Petersburg’, was a huge success. Within years of its unveiling, its unique design graced feet the length and breadth of the country and by 1842 sales were averaging 1000 pairs a month.
The ‘Brown Petersburg’ was made by hand in Street. There were no factories, so the brothers – now trading as C&J Clark Limited – relied on outworkers to meet the growing demand. The workers collected the leather from the tannery, along with a pattern, took the whole lot home and turned it into slippers. Production was often a family affair – everyone did their bit of cutting, sticking and sewing. Then, every Friday, all the finished footwear would be taken to Cyrus and James and swapped for wages.
The system worked well for many years. The good people of Street were happy in their work and the company prospered. In fact business was so brisk that in 1851 the Clark brothers won two awards at the Great Exhibition, an event organised by Prince Albert to showcase the achievements of British industry.

Riding the storm
Then, in 1863, disaster. A recession hit business badly and, almost overnight, the Clarks needed help. Lifelong Quakers themselves, they turned to contacts in the Quaker community for financial support and managed to secure a loan. But it came with conditions: James and Cyrus were to step down and William – James’ youngest son – was to take the reins.
It was another turning point in the company’s fortunes. Something of a visionary, William modernised the manufacturing process by bringing in the factory system and investing in the Singer sewing machine – a groundbreaking piece of technology at the time. Under his watchful eye, C&J Clark was revitalised, the loan was paid back in full and the company continued to move forward with developments like the Hygienic range. Launched in 1883, it was the first ever shoe designed to fit the shape of the foot; an innovation that is still the bedrock of Clarks’ reputation.
Whilst developing the commercial side of the business, William remained true to the ideals of his Quaker roots. He invested in the community, looked after his workers and built them homes – many of which can still be seen in Street today.

What the latter days of the 19th Century had started, the new millennium carried on with a passion. Science and technology were the watchwords. Inventions came thick and fast and included everything from the telephone and the zip to assembly line automobiles. Meanwhile, mass production and inexpensive alternatives to fabrics like silk meant a nation increasingly interested in fashion could finally afford to indulge itself.
With John, Roger and Alice Clark now running the company, Clarks continued to expand. Emerging from the buttoned-up days of the Victorian era, women in particular were a major new consumer. The female ankle was suddenly on display and shoes that showed them at their best were a must-have for every elegant lady of the time. C&J Clark was happy to oblige.

Spreading the word
With more and more product to promote, Clarks began advertising – our first press ad appeared in 1936. We opened our own chain of shops called Peter Lord, a name which remained on the high street until the 1990s. We also introduced a choice of width fittings to our children’s range, not forgetting the first ever Clarks foot gauge – two innovations which became a benchmark in the care of growing feet.
Before the 1900s were even half over, the world was plunged into two terrible wars. British industry stepped up to play its part in the war effort and during the Second World War the main Clarks factory was used to make torpedoes. On the home-front, meanwhile, the global conflict led to all sorts of shortages; raw materials became scarce, testing the ingenuity of manufacturers determined to meet the demand for everyday essentials. Clarks, for example, designed a unique, hinged wooden sole, so we could carry on supplying the nation with shoes even when leather was hard to come by

As the world emerged from the dark days of war, the next four decades saw change beyond the wildest dreams of many. What began with a baby boom, rock ‘n’ roll, teenagers, television and sputniks boldly going into outer space would end with mobile phones, the music video, Live Aid and an obsession with working out at the gym.
For C&J Clark the end of the 1940s ushered in a period of rapid growth. The available workforce in Street was too small to meet demand so, under the guidance of chairman Bancroft Clark, the company opened 15 new factories in neighbouring towns and cities. New shops and stores were also opened, including, in 1957, Clarks’ first flagship store on London’s Regent Street.
In the decades to come, expansion at home and abroad, increased production and the introduction of new materials like polyurethane and trademark technologies like Active Air all helped Clarks become the world’s best-known name in footwear. There were innovative styles too. The Desert Boot for example, brainchild of Nathan Clark, made its debut in 1950, captured the imagination of millions and remaining a global icon to this day.
As the 90s became the noughties, the computer revolution that had started two decades earlier with the invention of the microprocessor continued to transform work and play. And it still does, with the worldwide web, uploading, downloading and emailing all very much a part of almost everyone’s daily routine.
The dawn of the 1990s found Clarks facing some tough decisions. Major changes in world trade meant the company could no longer stay competitive while manufacturing in the UK. Reluctantly, production was moved to the continent. We began in a small way in Portugal, but it wasn’t enough. In the end, we had little choice but to close our UK factory doors and move the entire production process overseas.
It was a change of location but our high standards remained, and remain to this day, the same. Overseas modern factories, many of them purpose-built for Clarks, are audited either by independent auditors or our own on-site teams in order to monitor conditions and promote the best working practices.
The decision to move overseas wasn’t taken lightly. However, coupled with our continuing commitment to quality, new marketing and ad campaigns – including ‘Act your shoe size, not your age’ and the current ‘Enjoy Every Step’ – plus a rebranding in the high street, it has helped us return to the success of the good old days.
Into the future
We’re pleased to say that things are still going well. New technology, state-of the-art facilities and our love of shoes means we’re not only the number one shoe brand in the UK. With continuing growth in North America, Western and Eastern Europe, India and China, we’re also the world’s largest casual and smart shoe company and the fourth largest footwear company on the planet.
We’ve come a long way since Cyrus and James Clark and the ‘Brown Petersburg’. But their vision and passion live on in our shoes. You could say we’re following in their footsteps.

From the moment Cyrus and James Clark established the company we know today as C&J Clark, we’ve built a reputation for treating our people with courtesy and respect. And from the moment you join us, we believe in doing everything we can to help you enjoy your work and really feel good about your career.
That’s why our people are proud to work with us. We’re a company where heritage and innovation sit side by side; where work is a journey to be enjoyed; and where every day brings new experiences and exciting new challenges.
One of the first things you’ll notice on joining Clarks is just how open, honest and down-to-earth we all are. And that’s before we’ve even mentioned the innovative, inspirational working environment....

As you’d expect from a company which designs, manufactures, markets and sells an astonishing array of men’s, women’s and children’s shoes, diversity’s in our make-up.
For us it means making sure that we continue to recognise, value and take into account different backgrounds and experiences, skills and knowledge. It’s celebrating our differences and using those differences to create a productive, effective and happy workforce. It’s this diversity that adds to the way we work and the way we do business. You could say that it’s what makes Clarks, well, Clarks.
We treat everyone fairly and with courtesy and respect. We recruit and promote solely on the basis of merit, aptitude and ability. We never knowingly discriminate on the grounds of sex, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation, age, marital status or disability. And we refuse to tolerate harassment, bullying or victimisation in any shape or form.
Social responsibility
As individuals, we all have an effect on the world around us. And when hundreds, thousands, or even millions of people are grouped together – for example, at a workplace – that impact can be considerable.
Social responsibility is the responsibility that companies accept for the way in which their operations make a social, environmental, and economical impact. It’s about making a difference by the practices they adopt – accentuating the positive and eliminating the negative.
Clarks have always taken our role in the community seriously – from providing education and housing for our very first workers to supporting international initiatives to improve people’s lives today. We recognise the importance of caring for our employees, suppliers and stakeholders all over the world; and we are helping to create a sustainable future through our ‘reduce, re-use and recycle’ policy.
We’ve supported a variety of charities and their campaigns over the years, from personal appeals – such as our in-store scheme encouraging staff to apply for a £500 award to a charity of their choice – to large-scale initiatives like those listed below:
Soul of Africa
Soul of Africa
Soul of Africa is a self-sustainable charity initiative that helps orphans affected by AIDS. Its aim is to raise funds and create employment through the sale of hand-stitched shoes. Lance Clark set up the initiative in 2004 after visiting an AIDS-stricken community in Durban, South Africa. South Africa has been badly hit by HIV/AIDS, with many children left orphaned by the virus.
The scheme trains previously unemployed, and often unskilled, women to hand-stitch shoes, which are sold through Clarks and other retailers.
Since it was founded, the charity has raised over $1,000,000, which has been invested in facilities for the area’s orphans, as well as given meaningful employment to many women in some of the worst hit regions of South Africa.
Shoe Biz
Launched by Blue Peter and Unicef last year, the Shoe Biz appeal encouraged viewers to recycle their old shoes to raise money for education projects worldwide. As the leading children’s shoe retailer, Clarks were happy to support the scheme and helped collect over 1,500,000 pairs of shoes – which raised funds for safe learning environments across Malawi. We were able to help 175 of these ‘children’s corners’ in total, giving care and support to 43,000 children in need.
Although the Blue Peter appeal has now come to an end, we’ve pledged to continue our support to the initiative for the next three years.
Collection points have been set up at more than 500 of our stores nationwide for people to deposit their old or unwanted footwear. Three pairs of shoes could provide three children with basic school supplies; 84 pairs could buy 300 exercise books (enough for 150 children for a year); and 600 pairs could buy a 'school-in-a-box' kit which contains education equipment for a teacher and 80 pupils.

Kickers History

Pentland Group PLC is a family owned group of companies. Our
values are family values. We believe that business should be conducted
honestly, fairly and with respect for people, their dignity and their rights.
This code is intended to make clear what this means in terms of practical
behaviour. It spells out the standards of behaviour by which we try to
manage the organisation. We expect and require that all managers and
employees of the Group apply the same standards in their dealings with
other people and organisations.
What are we in Business for?
We are in business to create shareholder value by developing and
marketing products of quality, reputation, performance, style and value and
by selling them on fair terms to our customers.
To build long term sustainable shareholder value, we need to implement
our vision to develop a portfolio of category leading brands and
businesses. We will do this honestly, fairly and with respect for people.
To continue to grow and prosper we will need, increasingly, to build
partnerships with our customers and suppliers. Such partnerships must be
based on mutual trust and we will earn our partners’ trust by operating
according to the principles laid out in this document.
There are a number of categories of people and organisations who are
affected by our actions and to whom we have responsibilities. These
include our employees, our customers, our suppliers, other business
partners (such as licensees, distributors and joint venture partners) and
the wider community. These are, of course, in addition to our shareholders,
the owners of the business, to whom we have the responsibility to protect
their investment and to make sure that they receive an appropriate return.
Status of this Code
This Code has over-riding status in governing the standards of our
business behaviour. All contracts entered into by Group companies should
be consistent with it. If there are any inconsistencies, Group companies are
required to act in accordance with this Code’s standards rather than any
lower standards set out in such contracts.
In running our businesses, Group companies are required to observe the
standards of conduct set out below.

Towards Customers
To continue to succeed, we need to win and retain customers
by building partnerships with them. We will:
• Supply products and services that offer consumers good value in terms
of price, quality, performance, style, safety and environmental impact.
• Establish mutually beneficial business relationships and strive to meet or
exceed the spirit as well as the letter of our contractual commitments.
• Seek clarity in all our agreements, trying to avoid any ambiguity about
what we undertake to do and what we expect of our customers.
• Ensure that any quality or performance problems that occur in our
products are dealt with expeditiously with the minimum inconvenience
to our customers and consumers.
• Not seek to obtain sales or other business advantages by giving bribes
or other dubious inducements. We will not make any payments to any
employees of customers or government departments or agencies in
order to obtain commercial advantage.
• Take all reasonable practicable measures to prevent counterfeits of our
products from being marketed.

Nike History

Preliminary Information: Iconography Explained
Nike's Heritage
NIKE, pronounced NI-KEY, is the winged goddess of victory according to Greek mythology. She sat at the side of Zeus, the ruler of the Olympic pantheon, in Olympus. A mystical presence, symbolizing victorious encounters, NIKE presided over history's earliest battlefields. A Greek would say, "When we go to battle and win, we say it is NIKE." Synonymous with honored conquest, NIKE is the twentieth century footwear that lifts the world's greatest athletes to new levels of mastery and achievement. The NIKE 'swoosh' embodies the spirit of the winged goddess who inspired the most courageous and chivalrous warriors at the dawn of civilization. (from Nike Consumer Affairs packet, 1996)

The SWOOSH logo is a graphic design created by Caroline Davidson in 1971. It represents the wing of the Greek Goddess NIKE. Caroline Davidson was a student at Portland State University in advertising. She met Phil Knight while he was teaching accounting classes and she started doing some freelance work for his company. Phil Knight asked Caroline to design a logo that could be placed on the side of a shoe. She handed him the SWOOSH, he handed her $35.00. In spring of 1972, the first shoe with the NIKE SWOOSH was introduced.....the rest is history! (from Nike Consumer Affairs packet, 1996)
A brief history of Nike
The Nike athletic machine began as a small distributing outfit located in the trunk of Phil Knight's car. From these rather inauspicious beginnings, Knight's brainchild grew to become the shoe and athletic company that would come to define many aspects of popular culture and myriad varieties of 'cool.'
Nike emanated from two sources: Bill Bowerman's quest for lighter, more durable racing shoes for his Oregon runners, and Knight's search for a way to make a living without having to give up his love of athletics. Bowerman coached track at the University of Oregon where Phil Knight ran in 1959. Bowerman's desire for better quality running shoes clearly influenced Knight in his search for a marketing strategy. Between them, the seed of the most influential sporting company grew.
The story goes like this: while getting his MBA at Stanford in the early '60s, Knight took a class with Frank Shallenberger. The semester-long project was to devise a small business, including a marketing plan. Synthesizing Bowerman's attention to quality running shoes and the burgeoning opinion that high-quality/low cost products could be produced in Japan and shipped to the U.S. for distribution, Knight found his market niche. Shallenberger thought the idea interesting, but certainly no business jackpot. Nothing more became of Knight's project.
Cut to 1963. Phil Knight traveled to Japan on a world-tour, filled with the wanderlust of young men seeking a way to delay the inevitable call of professional life. Seemingly on a whim, Knight scheduled an interview with a Japanese running shoe manufacturer, Tiger--a subsidiary of the Onitsuka Company. Presenting himself as the representative of an American distributor interested in selling Tiger shoes to American runners, Knight told the businessmen of his interest in their product. Blue Ribbon Sports--the name Knight thought of moments after being asked who he represented--was born. The Tiger executives liked what they heard and Knight placed his first order for Tigers soon thereafter.
By 1964, Knight had sold $8,000 worth of Tigers and placed an order for more. Coach Bowerman and Knight worked together, but ended up hiring a full-time salesman, Jeff Johnson. After cresting $1 million in sales and riding the wave of the success, Knight et. al. devised the Nike name and trademark Swoosh in 1971.
By the late '70s, Blue Ribbon Sports officially became Nike and went from $10 million to $270 million in sales. Katz (1994) describes the success via Nike's placement within the matrix of the fitness revolution: 'the idea of exercise and game-playing ceased to be something the average American did for fun,' instead Americans turned to working out as a cultural signifier of status. Clearly, the circumstances surrounding the shift are not this simple; it is one of the aims of this project to discover other generators of popular attention to health.
If Nike didn't start the fitness revolution, Knight says, "We were at least right there. And we sure rode it for one hell of a ride" (Katz, 66). The 80s and 90s would yield greater and greater profits as Nike began to assume the appearance of athletic juggernaut, rather than the underdog of old. "Advertising Age" named Nike the 1996 Marketer of the Year, citing the "ubiquitous swoosh...was more recognized and coveted by consumers than any other sports brand--arguably any brand" (Jensen, 12/96). That same year Nike's revenues were a staggering $6.74 billion. Expecting $8 billion sales in fiscal 1997, Nike has targeted $12 billion in sales by the year 2000.
And all from the back of a car.
Few can question Nike's financial hegemony. But nearly $7 billion in revenues clearly begs the question, What sells these shoes? It is my assertion that Nike's power to sell comes from deep-rooted yearnings for cultural inclusiveness and individual athletic accomplishment. These seemingly paradoxical desires collide in consumers hearts and minds and produce the unyielding zeal for Nike shoes and apparel. Unfortunate effects of this zeal can be found in the rash of Nike apparel killings in 1991 and the profusion of Nike collectors and webpages designed around the company's products. (See listing of homepages on Works Cited Page) Nike appeals to these disparate elements of Americans' personalities through an advertising philosophy that is, at once, simple and sublime. In addition, Nike's practice of top-level athletes promoting their products appeal to countless ages and creeds as a way to identify with and emulate their athletic heroes. These forces work powerfully upon the individual consumer, but one should not lose sight of the cultural context in which the individual moves.

Primark History

Primark Stores Limited is a clothes and linens retailer in the UK and Republic of Ireland with over 100 branches. In the Republic of Ireland - where the company's headquarters is based - it trades as Penneys. It is a subsidiary of Associated British Foods plc.
Penneys opened its first store in Mary Street, Dublin, Ireland in 1969, with the first UK Primark store opening in 1973. In the early 1990s, Primark acquired BHS Republic of Ireland stores and rebranded them as Penneys.

Prior to 1997, Pennys often shared sites with Power Supermarkets, also at the time an ABF susbsidary, however this practice ceased after the sale of PSL to Tesco in 1997. ABF decided to maintain control of Primark rather than sell it on also, despite the fact that it is the only non-food part of the operation.

In July 2005 Primark/Associated British Foods purchased the 120 branch Littlewoods retail chain for £409 million. Some of the stores, variously reported as 30 or 50, will be converted into branches of Primark, but the majority are expected to be sold on to other retailers. The Littlewoods catelogue business has been retained by the Barclay brothers and will continue to operate under the Littlewoods brand.

In 2006, the company is planning to head to Spain with a branch in Madrid.

Schuh History

Back in 1981 Schuh opened its first store in the North Bridge Arcade, Edinburgh. Since then Schuh has grown significantly and now has a retail network of Schuh stores and Republic concessions spanning over mainland UK and ROI. Today Schuh still operates under its original philosophy:

To provide aspirational but accessible
fashion footwear, sold in a unique and
exciting retail environment at prices
which represent value for money and
sold by friendly, knowledgeable staff.

Schuh is at the leading edge of the
UK fashion footwear industry and is
widely recognised as one of the most
innovative independent footwear
retailers, not only on the high street
but online too. With over 100 brands
in stock Schuh has something for
everyone with a passion for
fashion footwear.

History of the Shoe

The first shoe: No one knows when the first shoes were worn for there are no records of such things so we can only make assumptions based on relics and primitive cave paintings. For sure, the development of some sort of covering was one of the first things primitive man did considering all of that outdoor activity such as hunting which required traipsing over jagged rocks and burning sand. Never mind the winter. So the first shoes were developed quite early and they were most likely bag-like wrappings made of fur or skins. Cave Paintings (c.8000 BCE) show these foot bags and some even show images of shoes that look like fur boots. The earliest European shoes discovered were that of the Ice Man found in the Alps which date all the way back to 3300 BCE and were made of rawhide bearskin and woven plant fibers.The sandal: Sandals are believed to be the first crafted footwear. They were plain, practical and consisted of only two parts: The sole and the thong. The first “flip flop” so to speak. Except these first sandals weren’t made of colourful plastic or rubber obviously, they had to be made from whatever was available. Egyptians learned to tan hide, sandals were made from leather and these early leather shoes were not made to accommodate right and left fittings, instead constructed exactly the same giving no allowance for the big toe or instep which I imagine made walking a bit awkward.In ancient Egypt, the sandal was the sign of power and rank, because they were considered a luxury and not everyone could afford good ones. Which makes sense. But those Egyptians went so far as to allocate class by colour. Gold and jewelled sandals were for the king and his court, pastels for dignitaries with red and yellow being the only colours allowed for the middle class. The slaves went barefoot, of course.The 16th century: women basically wore the same type of shoes as the previous century with the added interest of a new crazy shoe fad that originated in Venice and quickly spread to the rest of Europe. Like the patten, the chopine was a type of over shoe with a raised platform sole meant to be worn over other shoes to give the wearer height. And similar to other shoe fashions, they fell pray to exaggeration whereas the soles got higher and higher until some were up to thirty inches. Walking on such tall shoes would be like walking on stilts except you had nothing to hold on to, but women wore them anyway requiring a maid or cane to help them walk. Oddly enough, the church approved of Chopines but for all the wrong reasons. Chopines impeded movement and movement was required for such sin producing activities such as dancing. And if you can’t move, you can’t dance. Everyone is happy (or at least the Church was.) But they were eventually outlawed in Venice after a number of women miscarried after falling off their shoes.In the 1660s: women to pay more attention to their shoes and no longer wanted the same shape as men’s. A variety of exquisitely embroidered shoes in silk, satin and velvet appeared trimmed with lace which fell in a deep flounce over the foot. Slippers had heels often measuring six inches made of colored satin to match the costume.In the 1700s: shapely and richly lavished shoes. High heels were a must, along with rich brocades, embroidered silks and painted leathers. Large showy buckles topped them off along with metallic braid in silver and gold which could be transferred from one shoe to the next depending. After the French Revolution in 1792, shoes styles changed dramatically.Heels disappeared and expensive silks were replaced with more affordable and practical leathers.In the 1800s: men's shoes become steadfast and conservative and basically stayed that way for centuries to come. Black becomes basically the only color for shoes. The riding boot becomes fashionable for a time at the beginning of the century which were low heeled and practical.The laced up shoe which can still be seen today became popular at the beginning of the century and has been with us ever since. When it comes to men's shoes, they changed and developed and consisted of some crazy styles here and there until the end of the 19th century when suddenly perfection was attained and the search was over. Kaput. This was it. Why bother anymore? You won't find much variation from this time on with a brief detour in the 1970's with the Anything Goes era.In the 1900's: As usual, women’s legs were never shown and feet were only glimpsed once in a while when sitting down so stockings and hose weren’t high up on the fashion must haves.The wealthy women wore silk stockings in dark colors and handmade shoes and boots with pointed toes and a two or three inch heel. Silk or fine kid was used for the dressy styles with buckles or bows as decoration and that completely matched their whole outfit.In the 1910's: For men, patent leather pumps were still seen, but only for the most formal of events. Splats were a fashionable item for formal dress. The first sneaker was developed called Keds in 1917.In the 1920's: Women’s shoes became lighter and finer with a pointed toe and the delightful addition of straps. Bar shoes became all the rage for they didn’t fall off your foot while dancing the night away. T-straps were popular too for the same reason and were worn primarily with afternoon gowns. In the twenties, shoes were all about the strap.The 50's: The race to achieve the slimmest possible heel was foremost in shoe design. Gone were the prior decade's chunky styles and in came the new light pumps with cut toes, curved vamps and enticing “v” shapes with molded heels.Teen girls wore loafers with white socks, saddle shoes, flats and ballet slippers. Men wore black and white converse tennis shoes, two toned suede or white bucks.60's: It's hard to discribe a distinct shoe look for the 60’s. Conservative women stuck with the stiletto but slip on shoes with clunky heels were also popular to wear with pants. Of course, there were boots to go along with the mini skirt. First they were loose plastic or plain leather but eventfully they morphed into clinging treated textiles. Go-go boots were the must have and came in every different height imaginable. Men wore ankle boots with a square Cuban heel or Chelsea or Beatle boots. And the colors! The colors! They had it all. And suede. Colored suede!70's: High heels, flats, platforms, wedges, clogs and stilettos.Toss in the “anti heeled” earth shoes where the heel was suddenly discovered to be ecologically healthier LOWER than the rest of the foot and boots. Men also wore platforms.

Brainstorm: Ideas

Idea’s for documentary

Little Vs. Large the prices of bras
Ø Prices of different sizes bra’s
Ø Interviews with different shoe shops
Ø People who measure your size
Ø Possible interview with Bryony, Lisa, Charlie, Abi and Heidi
Ø Surgeon
Ø Bramissivo
Ø Shoes
Ø Clothes
Ø Free range
Ø Organic
Ø Eggs
Ø Church
Ø Christmas
Ø Steph’s religion
Captain tony’s
Ø Food
Ø Business
Ø Hair dressing
Ø School
Ø Fans
Ø Matches
Ø Parents at children’s game
Ø Coaches
Ø Children games
Child and adult prices
Ø Buses
Ø Trains
Ø Pictures
Ø Lottery
Ø Planes
Ø Gambling
Local business vs. Super stores
Ice Cream
Ø Different flavours
Ø Where it came from
Ø Change of age
Ø Prices
Ø Boy races
Ø Girl drivers
Ø Pass plus
Ø Insurances
Teenage pregnancy
Ø Little Lisa – interview cause pregnant
Ø Kristy – interview on change in breast size
Ø Breast feeding
Ø Clothes
Ø School
Ø Money
Ø Cancer jabs
Ø Baby jabs
Ø Dog and cat Jabs
Drinking and drugs
Ø Clubs
Ø Parks

Brainstorm: Idea and Final Idea

• The topic will be about SHOES looking at all aspects
• Our target audience will be 16-40
• We will schedule it on Channel 4 at 9pm on a Monday
• Title Ideas we have: Shoes Glorious Shoes
Comfy Funky and Essential
Take a walk in our shoes

After looking at our audience research some of these aspects have changed to suit with what they would like to see and hear.

Final Ideas

• The different styles of shoes and different styles
• The history behind the shoes
• The different styles of shoes
• Different health issues about shoes such ‘fit flops’ and MBT’s
• The people that was obsessed with shoes
• People that have got into debt from buying shoes

The people that wear specialist shoes
Mobility shoes
Fit flops

Different people outside the shoes shops asking different questions about shoes.
Miss Swindle’s dad
Sue or Kathy about mobility Shoes
Interview Primark
New Look
Markets (e.g. St johns-Liverpool)
River Island

Achieve footage
Confessions of a shop - aholic
Trinny and Suzanne
Little boots

When talking about money – cash machine
Sound of feet wearing (heels)

Target audience: 18- 30 women
Channel: C4 9pm, Thursday

Primary Research: Questionnaire

Pen Portrait

Name:Claire Walton
Age: 21
Occupation: Bank Assistant
Hobbies: Socialising with friends and shopping
Interests: Fashion and Politics

Above is the ideal candidate for our documentary

We handed this out to our target audience to help us make key decisions on our documentary.

Circle or tick the answer that apply to you
What age category do you fall under? 16-25 26- 35 36-45 46-55 56+
What is your gender? Female Male
What is your occupation? Student Unemployed Professional Retired
What style of music do you prefer? Pop Rock Classical Indie RnB Other………………………….
What TV channel is your favourite?
BBC1 BBC2 ITV1 Channel 4 Five E4 Other ……………………………….
What is your favourite colour? Pink Blue Red Purple Yellow Green Other……………………………..
How often do you watch documentaries? Always Often Sometimes Never
When would you most likely watch a documentary on TV? 6pm-7pm 7pm-8pm 8pm-pm 9pm-10pm
Would you prefer a male or female voice over? Female Male Either
Would you like expert interviews included? Yes No No preference
What shoe size are you? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Where do you shop for the majority of your shoes? Clarks Schuh New Look Primark Topshop Markets (e.g. St johns-Liverpool) Barrats River Island M&S
Other ………………………………
Do you know the history of shoes? Yes No Some aspects
In your opinion what do you think is the most popular style of shoe? Stilettos Boots Flip Flops Trainers Flats Other……………………….
What word do you associate with shoes? …………………………………………………………………… How many pairs of shoes/ boots do you own? 1-5 6- 10 11-20 21- 30 31-40 41-50 51+
How much are you willing on spending on a pair of shoes?
How important are shoes to you? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Have you ever heard of the following shoes? Please circle the ones that you have heard of. Masai basic tech (MBTS) fit flops

Thank you for your time and effort in completing this questionnaire.