Tuesday 13 October 2009

Primary Reseach: Interview Planning

Primary Research

Interviewer Topic Location Mise en scene Camera Shot
Mr Swindell MBT’s Interview Room Collaboration of shoe photographs Close Up
Schuh Worker Irregular styles In the shop Shoe stands Medium close up
Lisa Kenny Large Feet In Topshop Were is appropriate on the day Medium close up
Jess Gibbions Broad Feet New look Wide section Medium close up
Abi Smith Small Feet Market Shoe stall Close up
Clarks Worker Quality footwear Clarks Clarks Medium close up
Aldo Worker Price differences Aldo Checkout desk Medium close up
Primark Worker Cheap shoes Primark Escalators Close up
Boots Fit Flops Boots Checkout desk Medium close up

What do you think of when people say footwear (shoes)?
We will ask over 50 people for a short answer and collaborate the best ones in the 5 minute sequence.

Questionnaire Results
We will produce a primary research questionnaire and use this information as the voice of god or statistics on the screen.


We will email Kickers and Nike

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